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Broccoli Rabe Companion Plants: The Best And The Worst

Broccoli Rabe Companion Plants: The Best and the Worst

Broccoli rabe, also known as rapini, is a leafy green vegetable that is closely related to broccoli. It has a slightly bitter taste and is often cooked in stir-fries or pasta dishes. Broccoli rabe is a cool-season crop that is relatively easy to grow. One way to improve your broccoli rabe harvest is to plant it with companion plants.

Companion planting is the practice of planting different types of plants together in a way that benefits both plants. Companion plants can help to improve the growth, flavor, and pest resistance of each other.

There are a number of good companion plants for broccoli rabe. Some of the best include:

  • Spinach: Spinach is a good companion plant for broccoli rabe because it helps to suppress pests. Spinach also has a similar growth habit to broccoli rabe, so they can be planted close together. Image of Spinach vegetable
  • Carrots: Carrots are another good companion plant for broccoli rabe. They help to improve the flavor of broccoli rabe and also help to repel pests. Image of Carrot vegetable
  • Bush beans: Bush beans are a good nitrogen-fixing plant, which means they can help to improve the soil quality for broccoli rabe. They also help to shade the soil, which can help to suppress weeds. Image of Bush beans vegetable
  • Beetroot: Beetroot is a good companion plant for broccoli rabe because it helps to attract beneficial insects. These insects help to control pests that can damage broccoli rabe. Image of Beetroot vegetable
  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes are a good companion plant for broccoli rabe because they help to repel pests. Tomatoes also have a similar growth habit to broccoli rabe, so they can be planted close together. Image of Tomatoes vegetable
  • Cucumber: Cucumber is a good companion plant for broccoli rabe because it helps to attract beneficial insects. These insects help to control pests that can damage broccoli rabe. Image of Cucumber vegetable
  • Onion: Onion is a good companion plant for broccoli rabe because it helps to repel pests. Onions also have a strong scent that can help to mask the scent of broccoli rabe, which can deter pests. Image of Onion vegetable
  • Lettuce: Lettuce is a good companion plant for broccoli rabe because it helps to suppress weeds. Lettuce also has a similar growth habit to broccoli rabe, so they can be planted close together. Image of Lettuce vegetable

In addition to these good companion plants, there are also a few plants that should not be planted near broccoli rabe. These include:

  • Pole beans: Pole beans are a bad companion plant for broccoli rabe because they can spread diseases. Image of Pole beans vegetable
  • Snap peas: Snap peas are a bad companion plant for broccoli rabe because they can spread diseases. Image of Snap peas vegetable
  • Cabbage: Cabbage is a bad companion plant for broccoli rabe because they are both members of the Brassica family. Planting these plants together can increase the risk of disease. Image of Cabbage vegetable

By planting broccoli rabe with the right companion plants, you can improve your harvest and help to protect your plants from pests and diseases.

Broccoli rabe is a delicious and versatile vegetable that can be enjoyed in many different dishes. But did you know that the plants you choose to grow alongside your broccoli rabe can also have a big impact on its flavor and healthfulness?

That's where companion planting comes in. Companion planting is the practice of planting certain types of plants together to benefit each other. For example, some good companion plants for broccoli rabe include spinach, carrots, bush beans, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, lettuce, chard, celery, and potatoes. These plants help to attract beneficial insects, deter pests, and improve the overall health of your broccoli rabe plants.

If you're interested in learning more about companion planting for broccoli rabe, I recommend visiting Gardenia Inspiration. This website has a wealth of information on the topic, including a list of recommended companion plants, tips on how to plant them together, and even recipes for using broccoli rabe in your kitchen.

FAQ of broccoli rabe companion plants

Q: What are the best companion plants for broccoli rabe?

A: Some of the best companion plants for broccoli rabe include spinach, carrot, bush bean, beet, tomato, cucumber, onion, lettuce, chard, celery, and potato. These plants help to deter pests, improve soil quality, and attract beneficial insects.

Q: What plants should I avoid planting near broccoli rabe?

A: You should avoid planting broccoli rabe near pole beans or snap peas. These plants can compete for nutrients and water, and they may also attract the same pests.

Q: What are the benefits of planting companion plants with broccoli rabe?

A: There are many benefits to planting companion plants with broccoli rabe. Companion plants can help to:

  • Deter pests: Some companion plants, such as marigolds and nasturtiums, release chemicals that deter pests from broccoli rabe.
  • Improve soil quality: Some companion plants, such as beans and peas, fix nitrogen in the soil, which can help to improve the nutrient content of the soil for broccoli rabe.
  • Attract beneficial insects: Some companion plants, such as yarrow and dill, attract beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewings, which can help to control pests.

Q: How do I choose companion plants for broccoli rabe?

A: When choosing companion plants for broccoli rabe, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The needs of the broccoli rabe plant: Broccoli rabe needs full sun and well-drained soil. It is also a heavy feeder, so you will need to fertilize it regularly.
  • The needs of the companion plants: The companion plants you choose should have similar needs to broccoli rabe in terms of sun, soil, and water.
  • The pests and diseases that are common in your area: Choose companion plants that can help to deter pests and diseases that are common in your area.

Q: How do I plant companion plants with broccoli rabe?

A: To plant companion plants with broccoli rabe, simply plant them in the same bed or container. When planting, be sure to space the plants appropriately so that they have enough room to grow.

Image of broccoli rabe companion plants

5 different images of broccoli rabe companion plants from Pinterest:

  • Spinach: Spinach is a good companion plant for broccoli rabe because it helps to suppress weeds and attract beneficial insects. Image of Spinach and broccoli rabe companion plants
  • Carrots: Carrots and broccoli rabe are both root vegetables that grow well together. They help to deter pests and diseases from each other. Image of Carrots and broccoli rabe companion plants
  • Bush beans: Bush beans are a good source of nitrogen, which is beneficial for broccoli rabe. They also help to shade the soil, which can help to prevent pests and diseases. Image of Bush beans and broccoli rabe companion plants
  • Beet: Beets and broccoli rabe are both heavy feeders, so they benefit from being planted together. They also help to deter pests and diseases from each other. Image of Beet and broccoli rabe companion plants
  • Tomato: Tomatoes and broccoli rabe are both warm-season crops that benefit from being planted together. They help to attract beneficial insects and deter pests. Image of Tomato and broccoli rabe companion plants

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